
Is Miami Gardens Considered A Low Poverty Area

Poverty in Miami Gardens, Florida

What is the poverty rate in Miami Gardens, Florida?
The poverty rate in Miami Gardens is 21.5%. One out of every 4.6 residents of Miami Gardens lives in poverty.

How many people in Miami Gardens, Florida live in poverty?
24,059 of 111,660 Miami Gardens residents reported income levels below the poverty line in the last year.

How does the poverty rate in Miami Gardens compare to the rest of Florida?
The Poverty Rate across the state of Florida is 15.5%, meaning Miami Gardens has a significantly higher than average percentage of residents below the poverty line when compared to the rest of Florida.

Historical Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate

Miami Gardens, Florida Historical Poverty Rate

Year Poverty Rate YoY % Change National


24.5% 15.3%


22.8% 7.0% 15.9%


24.2% 6.0% 15.9%


22.1% 9.0% 15.8%


22.4% 1.0% 15.5%


25.0% 11.0% 14.7%


24.0% 4.0% 14.0%


17.7% 36.0% 13.4%

Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By Race

Race Population Poverty Rate National Poverty Rate Population



21.5% 25.2% 69.8%



15.2% 23.8% 1.6%

Two Or More Races


18.0% 18.4% 1.1%



28.3% 10.3% 2.6%



21.5% 22.2% 27.3%

What's the Poverty Rate in Miami Gardens, Florida By Race?

21.5% of Black residents of Miami Gardens, Florida live below the poverty line.

The Poverty Rate of black residents in Miami Gardens, Florida is dramatically lower than the national average of 25.2%. 17,027 of 79,059 black Floridians live below the poverty line. Approximately 69.8% of the total population of Miami Gardens, Florida are black.

28.3% of White residents of Miami Gardens, Florida live below the poverty line.

The Poverty Rate of white residents in Miami Gardens, Florida is dramatically higher than the national average of 10.3%. 843 of 2,980 white Floridians live below the poverty line. Approximately 2.6% of the total population of Miami Gardens, Florida are white.

21.5% of Hispanic residents of Miami Gardens, Florida live below the poverty line.

The Poverty Rate of hispanic residents in Miami Gardens, Florida is the same as than the national average. 6,623 of 30,847 hispanic Floridians live below the poverty line. Approximately 27.3% of the total population of Miami Gardens, Florida are hispanic.

Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By Sex

What is the poverty rate for men vs women living in Miami Gardens, Florida?


The Poverty Rate for men who live in Miami Gardens, Florida is 20.2%.


The Poverty Rate for women who live in Miami Gardens, Florida is 22.7%.

Poverty Rate Disparity for Male vs Female Residents of Miami Gardens, Florida

Female residents of Miami Gardens, Florida are moderately(12%) more likely to live in poverty than males.

10,543 of 52,149 males in Miami Gardens live below the poverty line.

13,516 of 59,511 females in Miami Gardens live below the poverty line.

Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By School Enrollment

Understanding where poverty hits hardest in Miami Gardens can be better understood by segmenting poverty by whether or not the resident is in school or not.

  • Enrolled in School in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 27.5%.
  • Not Enrolled in School in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 18.7%.

Poverty for younger ages in Miami Gardens is seen as the most undesirable for the future of the community.

  • Enrolled in Nursery School in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 29.7%.
  • Enrolled in Elementary School(Grades 1-4) in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 39.4%.

Poverty for developing children and young adults in Miami Gardens can have drastic impacts on graduation and college attendance rates.

  • Enrolled in Middle School(Grade 5-8) in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 30.4%.
  • Enrolled in High School (Grades 9-12) in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 25.5%.

Adult students in college, graduate or professional schools generally bring employers, revenue and higher living wages post-graduation and are seen as a positive to the community.

  • Enrolled in Undergraduate School in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 15.7%.
  • Enrolled in Graduate or Professional School in Miami Gardens, Florida have a Poverty Rate of 8.9%.

Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By Age

What's the Poverty Rate By Age in Miami Gardens, Florida?

Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate Distribution by Age

Breakdown of Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By Age

Age Poverty Rate

Children Under 6


Children 6 to 11 Years Old


Adolescents 12 to 17 Years Old


Adults 18 to 59 Years Old


Adults 60 to 74 Years Old


75 to 84 Years Old


Over 85 Years Old


Miami Gardens, Florida Poverty Rate By Place of Birth

What is the poverty rate for residents of Miami Gardens, Florida born US Citizens vs Foreign-Born?

US Citizen

The Poverty Rate for residents of Miami Gardens, Florida who were born citizens of the United States is 22.5%.


The Poverty Rate for residents of Miami Gardens, Florida who were born citizens of a country other than the US is 19.5%.

Poverty Rate for residents of Miami Gardens, Florida born US Citizens vs Foreign-Born

Residents of Miami Gardens, Florida who were born as US Citizens have a higher poverty rate than those who were born citizens of a country outside of the United States.

Of the 75,016 residents of Miami Gardens, Florida who were born citizens of the United States, 16,896 (22.5%) had income levels below the poverty line within the past year.

Conversely, 7,163 (19.5%) of 36,644 residents of Miami Gardens, Florida who were born citizens of a country other than the US reported income levels below the poverty line within the past year.

Research & Reports

Florida Poverty Statistics

Which areas have the highest rate of poverty in Florida? We breakdown the poverty rate by city and county across Florida and rank communities with the highest and lowest concentrations of residents living below the poverty line.

Florida Poverty Statistics

Food Stamp Recipients in Miami Gardens

How does Miami Gardens compare to the rest of Florida in receipt of food stamps? We breakdown food benefits programs by city and county across Florida and rank communities with the highest and lowest concentrations of residents living below the poverty line.

Miami Gardens Food Stamps

Is Miami Gardens Considered A Low Poverty Area


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