We chose the name Three Rivers because when we think of rivers we think of the dialectic of movement and stillness. The river is simultaneously right there where it is—we can point to it—and it is forever changing, flowing, moving from here to somewhere else. At Three Rivers, we embrace the reality that we ourselves are always exactly what and where we are and we are always flowing into something or somewhere new. In this embrace, we find both peace and true liberation. Below you'll find our team of "river guides." We're looking forward to meeting you.


Speciality Areas
EFT couples therapy and supervision, mindfulness-based approaches to anxiety and depression, mindfulness trainer, works with adults.


Speciality Areas
Child and family therapy, EFT couples therapy and supervision, treating anxiety in children (including when it manifests physically), mindfulness trainer, works with children, adolescents, adults.


Speciality Areas
EFT couples therapy, trauma, LGBTQ+ issues, works with adults.


Speciality Areas
EFT Couples and Family Therapy, EMDR for trauma, works with adolescents and adults.


Speciality Areas
EFT Couples Therapy, works with adolescents and adults.



Sean is certified as an Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist and Supervisor (EFT) and has a significant background in mindfulness. He is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teacher, and along with Luana, regularly offers the 8-week MSC Course in Sacramento. As a therapist, Sean specializes in couples therapy and mindfulness-based approaches to anxiety and depression. He relies heavily on attachment theory, and is particularly interested in the adaptations each person makes in their earliest relationships in an effort to stay safe. Often therapy is a process of exploring ways that these adaptations are playing out in one's current relationships with unintended effects.

Personal Background

Although Sean rarely meditates directly with therapy clients (unless asked), his presence in the room is deeply influenced by his own meditation practice. At a personal level, he began meditating in his mid-twenties and spent about a decade building a disciplined spiritual practice that eased some of his suffering, but that he did not enjoy very much. Then in 2012, with his second child on the way, he refocused his practice on something he had been actively ignoring: the heart practices of loving-kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. This was a game-changer. As he began to apply the balm of love to his own wounded heart, he found himself in a process of seeing more and more opportunities to love and be loved. Like seeing a three-dimensional image emerge in a stereogram, a truth became apparent: every moment is an occasion for love. As a meditation teacher, Sean has become especially interested in bringing the Mindful Self-Compassion program to other men who have been conditioned to label their need to be loved as weakness and to shrink from, scoff at, or harden against the idea of holding themselves with tenderness and compassion. In recent years, Sean has been honored to assist Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer at their annual MSC Intensive at Esalen and to serve as an online mentor for the Sounds True program Power of Self-Compassion.

Educational Background

Sean is a licensed clinical psychologist (CA Lic # PSY23611). He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA, an American Psychological Association (APA) accredited program. His training included year-long rotations in the following settings: a primary care clinic offering behavioral medicine services, an outpatient hospital clinic, a center providing outpatient services to children and families, and several college counseling centers. He completed an APA-accredited internship at UC San Diego Counseling and Psychological Services, and a post-doctoral residency at UC Davis Counseling and Psychological Services.

Interests and Hobbies

Sean has a background in the arts and holds a BA in Theatre from UC San Diego, and a Masters in Performance Studies from New York University. When not in the therapy office, he enjoys hiking, yoga, and his role as lead crew member and assistant-everything-else in the bedroom theatre company run by his three young daughters.



Luana works with children, adolescents, parents, couples, and families. She believes therapy should be a warm and collaborative environment, where people can feel safe enough to take risks, be authentic and make lasting changes. She works to explore with her clients the many dynamics that may inadvertently contribute to a problem cycle, so that clients can feel empowered to act in more preferred ways of being. Luana feels comfortable working with many different diagnoses and challenges, including anxiety management (and ways this may manifest physically), depression, identity shifts, school difficulties, and relationship struggles.

Luana is a certified Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist and Supervisor (EFT) and has advanced training in Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT). She is also a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher (MSC). She and Sean regularly teach the 8-week MSC course in Sacramento.

Personal Background

Luana is a mother of three adventurous and opinionated girls. This adventure in mothering gives her plenty of opportunities to "walk her own talk," as she works to integrate health, happiness, vulnerability, connection, and self-compassion. Although there are many paths to valued living, Luana's current recipe for this involves having a daily self-compassion and meditation practice, a regular exercise schedule, daily gratitude exercises, and by connecting with loved ones.

Educational/Career Background

Luana is a licensed psychologist (CA Lic # PSY23610). She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA, an American Psychological Association (APA) accredited program. Luana trained at several child/adolescent and family yearlong placements and completed an APA-accredited internship in Santa Monica at St. John's Child and Family Development Center. She completed her postdoctoral residency at Kaiser Permanente, where she was hired on as permanent staff. She was hired into the child/adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program and worked there between 2010-2016. Luana also served as Training Director for the postdoctoral residency program during her time with Kaiser. Luana has been in full-time private practice since fall of 2016.

Interests and Hobbies

Luana loves to find family adventures. This includes hikes, walks to the park, and camping. Her background includes playing collegiate sports, and so she enjoys continuing to stay active with challenging and fun workout routines. As Luana has joined the "mother of young children club," she has also developed interests in finding ways to bring self-compassion and authenticity to parenting.



John helps adult couples and individuals build healthier and more loving relationships with their partners and with themselves. He combines mindfulness and experiential approaches to help his clients connect to underlying emotions in their bodies to find their way from feeling stuck to greater vitality and emotional freedom.

John's work is founded primarily in two psychotherapy models: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) for individuals. He is currently pursuing certification in both. He is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Brainspotting, two modalities he often relies upon when working with clients who are healing from the aftereffects of trauma, including PTSD.

Personal Background

John's draw to the healing arts began with his own journey of self-healing when after facing one failed relationship after the next in his 20s and 30s, he spent two years living in the mountains to explore the depths of his own loneliness. Through meditation, mindfulness and the healing power of nature, he was able to connect with joy and inner peace for the first time in his life and re-emerged inspired to help others on their own journeys to wholeness. He and his loving husband have been together for eight years, learning first-hand about the daily challenges of building a healthy, long-term relationship.

Educational Background

John is a registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (#120851). He earned his M.A. in Integral Counseling Psychology from the (WSCUC-accredited) California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco. He also holds an M.A. in Japanese/English Language Interpreting and a B.A. in Japanese Studies.

Interests and Hobbies

John has had a lifelong passion for foreign languages and cultures, which has led him to live abroad for many years in Asia, South America and Europe. He loves camping and hiking in deep nature, acrobatics, and spending time with his husband and their dog, Mr. Boubou.



Claudine works with individuals, couples, and families. She uses an attachment focus and provides clients with a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere in which they can flourish. Claudine believes that individuals hold the key to healing within themselves, and her purpose is to walk alongside them as they unlock these inner strengths. Claudine specializes in helping individuals heal and integrate traumatic experiences and in helping couples build a secure bond.

Claudine is currently working on certifications in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Claudine also has training in Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).

Personal Background

Claudine is grateful to share her life with a wonderful husband. Together they have a blended family with children in different developmental stages. Navigating the journey toward "blending" has has been challenging at times, but it has also helped her know and trust the gifts and growth that challenge can bring, especially when one has needed support. Claudine is not afraid to lean on her own life experiences when coming alongside her clients. Perhaps this why a common piece of feedback she gets is that she feels "real" and that this helps her clients feel safe. Claudine is currently in the midst of a new transition as she pursues a doctorate (PsyD) in clinical psychology from California Southern University.

Educational Background

Claudine is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#123227). She earned her Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from COAMFTE-accredited California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. Claudine received her Bachelors degree in vocal performance from California State University Sacramento.

Interests and Hobbies

Claudine has a background in music and previously owned and operated a vocal and piano studio. Now Claudine enjoys playing piano and singing for enjoyment and stress reduction. Claudine creates space for mindfulness in her daily life, which includes yoga and meditation. Claudine also enjoys running and has completed marathons and ultramarathons. Claudine's most cherished time is the time she spends with those she loves, which includes her two dogs Groucho and Humphrey.



Lindsay works primarily with teenagers, adult individuals, and couples. She tends to use a humanistic, somatic, and experiential lens when working with her clients. Lindsay believes we are all wired for healing, connection and growth, and is honored to walk beside her clients as they uncover a deeper connection to themselves. She believes that the therapeutic relationship is the foundation for healing and growth, and provides a warm, safe, nonjudgmental space so that her clients can feel comfortable exploring difficult emotions, experiences, and ultimately gaining a deeper awareness of themselves.

Lindsay is currently working on getting her certification in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). Lindsay also has training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Personal Background

Lindsay was drawn to providing psychotherapy after her own experiences of loss of a loved one at a young age. Her own therapy work has allowed her to come to a place of connection and awareness of herself, thus cementing her belief in the value of the healing benefits of therapy and the therapeutic relationship.

Educational Background

Lindsay is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (#120910). She earned her M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Lindsay received her undergraduate degree in Communications from The University of Texas.

Interests and Hobbies

Lindsay is passionate about traveling the world, and has had the opportunity to travel to 26 different countries. These experiences have given her a unique perspective on life, love, and the beauty of our world. In her spare time, Lindsay also enjoys doing yoga, hiking, baking, and spending time with friends, family and dog Bailey!